Nicotine's Ash
Fun things to try on the web, cool places to go, interesting photos, movie and comic reviews, and whatever I feel like, since this blog is mine. THIS BLOG IS MINE! heh, heh.
Fun things to try on the web, cool places to go, interesting photos, movie and comic reviews, and whatever I feel like, since this blog is mine. THIS BLOG IS MINE! heh, heh.
Thanks Nicotine! I had a great Thanksgiving! Hope you did too!
Thanks, Tara. We had a nice time at the restaurant for Thanksgiving (no work!). Then we went to the coast for the weekend and had fun.
Hey, I want your Thanksgiving! I had a sinus infection (blech!). I am so moving to Florida....;-)
Nice family picture! Love how the little guy is squirming!
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