Saturday, June 09, 2007

Weight Loss

I haven't blogged as much lately (right, what's new). I've been busy with work and working out. Early in May, I started exercising every day and eating less. I had a physical scheduled for June 4th and wanted to see if I could get rid of the blood pressure medicine I was put on this past year. Also, I haven't been in shape in about a decade and wanted to see if I could change that. Plus, I figured it was good for stress (and keeping up with the kids). So, short story long, I have lost about 15 lbs and dropped my BMI to about 23 (under 25 is good). I've improved my HDLs and lowered my bad cholesterol. I've also gone from being able to workout for like 10 minutes to about an hour. Steady improvement. So, now I've committed to running a few races (a 10K in the fall in Orlando and a half-marathon in Jacksonville in February. Hopefully, my knees will hold out. So far, so good, thanks to Celebrex. Now, to start incorporating weights to tone and try to get some decent abs. The belly is mostly gone, but still need improvement. Any ideas on crunches that work? I'll try to post a photo soon so you can see the difference. My face is thinner, which is usually a sign of some decent weight loss...

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At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, congratulations on the weight loss! I keep saying I need to lose weight but never seem to get around to actually trying to do that. It also doesn't help if you spend the whole weekend stuffing your face and watching television. But that ice cream was sooooo good. ;-)

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

Jealous of the ice cream. I have (many times over the past month) bought ice cream or other treats for the wife and 5 year old. Meanwhile, I get by on diet drinks and very little else. Feeling faint now...must have an apple. Ignored caramel apples purchased recently...bastards.


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