Nicotine's Ash
Fun things to try on the web, cool places to go, interesting photos, movie and comic reviews, and whatever I feel like, since this blog is mine. THIS BLOG IS MINE! heh, heh.
Fun things to try on the web, cool places to go, interesting photos, movie and comic reviews, and whatever I feel like, since this blog is mine. THIS BLOG IS MINE! heh, heh.
I'm 41 but my real age is 37.7 and my life expectancy is 78.3 years. Hm, I guess I'd better start exercising. ;-)
And who knew that driving so far every day was taking years off my life??? Yikes.
That's weird! I just did it and my real age is 23.5 (when I'm in fact almost 41) and my life expectancy is 91.5! Wow! But... but... I don't really want to live that old...
Bio age:45
Real age:38.5
Life expectancy: 81.5
Time spent taking the quiz: Seemed like 1.5 years.
But to quote Larry David, life is "priittty goood".
Biological age: 33
Real Age: 16.7 or I guess 17
Average Life Expectancy: 74
My Life Expectancy: 90.3
"You can expect to live approximately another 20,900 more days."
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