Saturday, July 02, 2005

War of the Worlds

This was a pretty good movie. I actually thought it was a good scare. At first, I didn't want to see it since (due to my job) I think Tom Cruise is full of crap when it comes to his views on psychiatry and medicine. But, then again, I like Speilberg and I almost always like Cruise's movies, so I gave in and went. Not as good as Batman Begins, but a scary good movie.


At 5:08 PM, Blogger Tara said...

Have you seen the original "War of the Worlds"? I watched it with my mom awhile back when it appeared on AMC. I don't remember too much of it, but the ending was memorable.

I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan either, so it'll take a lot for me to go to the theatre and see that. Are the special effects impressive? I might see it for those reasons.

Aside from his recent weirdness, I just don't think Mr. Cruise is that great of an actor. If I see movies with him in it, it's usually because someone or something else in the movie has peaked my interest.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

The special effects were very good. They didn't detract from the story, with decent characters put into unique situations. I haven't seen the original - so I'll have to check into it. I think this one did over $100 million this weekend, but for most movies - I tend to wait for the DVD or even cable. If you get a chance - go see this one, but if you don't, wait for the DVD. I think I'd rather have seen Fantastic Four, but that's not out for another week.


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