Sunday, October 02, 2005

Big Freakin' Spider

Went outside yesterday and got the surprise of my weekend...A giant freaking spider had built a web right outside our front door (right next to the walkway between 2 trees). Here's a photo - if you know what kind of spider it is, let me know. I'm hoping it's not poisonous. I think he's about 1-1.5 inches but in the photo, he looks larger...Kind of a big "ewwww".


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Tara said...

Here's a link where you might find that guy: Ohio Spiders

I think I found it: the Neoscona arabesca (aka the Arabesque Orbweaver.

Eww...I'm glad you didn't stumble through that web with that interesting arachnid hanging on.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Tara said...

It could also be like the spider on the front page. That one is also an orbweaver. They give more information on that one.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

Thanks for the research. One thing I'm sure of - it's one ugly bug. But since spiders are "good bugs", I'll let it live. I am the god of bugs - I decide on life or death. I choose life! hahahaha. Sorry - slap happy from lack of sleep and the child acting up during services for the Jewish new year tonight...

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Tara said...

If they are on their own turf, which I consider to be anywhere outside, I will try to leave them alone. As ugly as they are, I am fascinated with learning about them.

Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. My manager is going through the Jewish new year festivities too this week.


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