Thursday, March 02, 2006

R.I.P. Jack Wild

Jack Wild, who died yesterday, was the Artful Dodger in Oliver and played Jimmy in H.R. Pufnstuf. He didn't do too much after that but those were such cool roles that it doesn't matter much. I bought the DVDs for H.R. Pufnstuf last year and decided that they didn't hold up as well as I thought they were. But when I was a kid, I loved those shows, along with some of the similar shows like Land of the Lost, Lidsville, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Jonny Socko and his flying robot, Spiderman and Speed Racer cartoons...etc.

Anyone have a favorite old show from when they were a kid? Nicorette's favorites (this week) are Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, Hi-5, and most of the Disney Kim Possible, princess shows...


At 4:20 AM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

mld: I forgot about some of those - Munsters, Adams family, even Green Acres...And though I watched the Wizard of Oz every year when it was on (no videos), I liked the books better (nerd that I was/am).

kman: dude! the banana splits! I loved that show (and if we saw it now, I know it'd be sooo lame. And I watched Lost in Space all the time...All good shows. Maybe they could survive due to having a costume budget that was so low. Nowadays, they'd go off the air after 4 episodes due to high costs of production...

At 10:15 AM, Blogger FW said...

I enjoyed the Banana Splits too! I'd completely forgotten that one. I liked the cartoon Land of the Lost (opening sequence: raft goes over the waterfall into a prehistoric world). I remember being really excited about the show Here Come The Double Deckers, some kids living on a double decker London bus.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Suzyg20 said...

Lost in Space was definitely my favorite. Not too long ago I won something on a morning radio show because I could sing the entire PufnStuf opening song. lol
Another favorite show of mine was ZOOM out of Boston. Anybody ever watch that?

At 1:04 AM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

Suzy: I used to love Zoom. I watched it (way back when) especially for the science (that I liked). That was before I had teachers in high school and college to destroy any real long term interest in science as a career.

KMan: Yup, I watched those shows too...and add on the Brady Bunch. Lame as they were, it's not like there was anything else on better "in the day"...

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adored The Wizard of Oz when I was a kid. Used to watch it a few times/week...either that or The Parent Trap (the one with Hayley Mills), after school. As a giant elementary school nerd, I didn't watch much TV. I believe I once told my mom, "why would I watch people do things when I could be doing them?" (says the girl who spent a good portion of today on her couch, watching shit tv)


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