Over 5000 hits on YouTube
Hard to believe...but this video of Nicorette reciting Humpty Dumpty has received over 5000 hits. This is by far my most popular video. If you look closely, you can see that the car is moving and I'm driving while taking this video. Don't try that. Really. I was lucky to frame her in the video since I was watching the road while filming. But it all worked out. I still find it amusing. Anyway, if you haven't seen this one, join the crowd and check it out...
Labels: humpty dumpty, nicorette, video
She's like the Paris Hilton of YouTube! Of course, she's MUCH SMARTER and doesn't drive drunk. At least I hope Nicorette doesn't drive drunk. You HAVE been doing the designated driving for her, haven't you? ;-)
You have a star! 'better watch it!
Great job by Little E/Nicorette !!
Google ought to be paying her some royalties.
Q: Are you going to post that vid you filmed (while driving) of you teaching Nicorette how to tie her shoes ? Classic ! You heading north for the holiday weekend? Enjoy!
BB: Yeah, for now, I'm driving. She's too busy watching DVDs of Barbie as the Island Princess. I'm thinking of switching seats when she can reach the pedals.
Stinkypaw: True...I think she knows it, too. It's not a normal day if I don't get a little DIVA attitude.
Hugh: see new post for holiday plans
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