My Garden
Looks like the pumpkins have died off, but the cucumbers have taken off and the watermelons are doing very well. Live and learn. Next year will be better.
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That looks great! The closest I've ever come to gardening was growing a few cherry tomatos in some pots last year.
LOVVVVVEEE watermelon !!! Unfortunately, I'm the only one in the family who does, so if I buy a whole one (the only way to buy it), I'm eating it 3 times a day to avoid spoilage.
Send me 1 full melon when it's harvest time!
Ananke: Thanks. I usually put down the black material to prevent weeds, but I was lazy this year. Hopefully, it'll still produce. So far, we've had a few cucumbers.
Hugh: If we have enough, I'll send one your way...
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