Sunday, March 01, 2009

Megacon 2009 - Luciana Carro

Megacon 2009, originally uploaded by nickjones65.

One of my favorite parts of the convention is talking to the artists, writers and tv/movie people. This time I met Luciana Carro, a very cool lady who had a nice role as Kat in Battlestar Galactica. She was also in Everwood, Doctor Doolittle 3, and a bunch of other stuff. I met James Hampton, who played Caretaker in the original "The Longest Yard". He was the father in Teen Wolf and played in Slingblade and F Troop. I met Phillip Morris, who plays Martian Manhunter in Smallville and played Jackie Chiles on Seinfeld (among many other roles). Lou Ferrigno and Margot Kidder were there, too, but I didn't speak with them.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Tara said...

"Who told you to put the balm on? I didn't tell you to put the balm on! Why did you put the balm on?"

Yay, I wish we had more conventions like those around here.

How are you doing?

At 3:24 AM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

Tara, there's a great convention in Columbus around Thanksgiving. I think that's the big one in Ohio. I went when I was younger...

I'm doing OK. Bored and the job search is slow. But it'll pick up soon, I'm sure.


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