Monday, August 15, 2005

Warning: Adult Content...Cartman does "The Aristrocrats"

This is from the new movie that's supposed to be the most vile joke ever told (by many big time comedians. I don't plan to see it, but thought this version was amusing...vile, evil, and amusing. Be warned - not for young or young at heart.

Cartman does "The Aristocrats"


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Tara said...

Oh my Lord..Only Southpark could get away with this...uh...joke. I thought "I don't get it." And then I heard the other characters say the same thing. Weird, weird stuff.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

I've read about this movie. All the comedians tell their version of this joke. It's not a funny joke, but they get pretty creative with how sick and vile they get with it. Now that I've seen this, I figure that I've seen enough. By the way, thanks for the Multiply invite. I signed up and have to check it out some.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Tara said...

Yes, I think I've seen enough of that joke too. I did find myself giggling at the other kids trying to stop Cartman from telling the joke, then the fact that nobody got the joke.

And I'm glad you joined Multiply. There are some very interesting people on that sight, and they all have various senses of humor. You can post messages, journals, videos, links...all sorts of stuff on there.


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