Monday, August 22, 2005

Chewbacca dislocated his hip...

Our dog (age 7 - see photos on this blog) went to the groomer's. His fur was getting long and making it hard for him to play outside much. Apparently, he somehow fell/dropped from the groomer's table and got hurt. The vet has him overnight and was able to pop his hip back into place, but he's sedated and on pain meds. Everyone's pretty upset, though I'm sure he'll be fine eventually. I know he won't be happy since when he gets home (hopefully tomorrow), he'll have to keep his moving around to a minimum. I think they tape his two hind legs together so he doesn't move around as much. That'll be for about 2 weeks. I'll try to post an update tomorrow...


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Tara said...

Aw, Nicotine, I'm so sorry to hear that! Poor Chewbacca! Maybe you can distract him from his pain and his walking limitations by giving him dog treats or something. Poor thing.


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