Musical stuff (tagged by EKWisdom)
Answer the following questions using only the song titles from a chosen musician/band.
Musician I chose: Sting
Are you male or female? Englishman in New York
Describe yourself. It's Probably Me
How do some people feel about you? King of Pain
How do you feel about yourself? Fortress around your heart
Describe your ex: Murder by Numbers
Describe your current significant other: Every little thing she does is magic
Describe where you want to be: Walking on the moon
Describe how you live: Don't stand so close to me
Describe how you love: If I ever lose my faith
What would you ask for if you had just one wish? Tea in the sahara
Share a few words of wisdom: Why should I cry for you
Now say goodbye: Consider Me Gone
Wow, what an awesome idea for a tag! But I'm kind of afraid to take this one on. It requires an in-depth knowledge of song that I might not possess. ;)
N: I opened up iTunes, went to the store, and searched for Sting or the Police. Then I had a list of songs to pick from. And he has a ton of them!
It came from the link "Spoken like a true smartass"
Hello all! Spoken Like a True Smartass here... :)
I went to the Michael Buble website to see a list of songs. I am a regular listener, but I rarely know the titles to what I'm listening to. This was fun though! Good job Nicotine! Excellent answers. And thanks for the linkage!
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