Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mick-otine Jr.

Or something like that. We had Nicorette's 6th birthday party (pix to come, no doubt). Her birthday isn't until next week, but since the wife will be out of town for work training, we had it early. We went to a paint pottery place and had about 8 little girls. Nicotine Jr will celebrate his birthday when the wife returns. And, we'll probably skip mine since it's not too important. On Nicorette's actual birthday, I'll be taking the kids to one of the Disney character breakfasts. Then, we'll hit the parks since we have annual passes. Should be fun...if I don't go INSANE...heh, heh.

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At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when do we get to see Mick-otine Sr with his mouse ears on? Hee hee. I'm guessing Nicorette's birthday party was a bit messy, right? But fun for them. :-D


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