Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ice Cream Sundae

Ice Cream Sundae, originally uploaded by nickjones65.

This was after her first day of Sea World Camp. She didn't want to go - she was crying when I left her. But when I picked her up, she'd had a fantastic day, getting to see all sorts of animals up close. The second day was even better, even with storms all day. I'm worn out, but she's having fun...


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Annake said...

That looks freaking delicious!!!!! I want some. :-D

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Tara said...

That cherry on top of that sundae and the peanut butter cup would be gone already if that was mine. I love those things.

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

If you have a Friendly's nearby, that was where we got it!

At 9:25 PM, Blogger stinkypaw said...

She made the same face I do when I see a sundae!


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