Fun things to try on the web, cool places to go, interesting photos, movie and comic reviews, and whatever I feel like, since this blog is mine. THIS BLOG IS MINE! heh, heh.
Just after 5pm today. This is the view from our backyard. Pretty cool. The photo didn't really pick up how bright the fuel burns from the shuttle. And the whole visible launch lasts less than a minute, maybe even 30 seconds. Still one of my favorite things about living in Florida.
Ready with the helmet and his bottled water. He seems to enjoy it. The bike seat fits in front of me so I can keep an eye on him. I never understood the bike seats behind the parent since all the kid can see is the parent's back.
We ate at a restaurant right on the water. We could watch the people arrive by boat to refuel or dock. While we were in Sarasota, we went to their aquarium. In addition to the regular fish, they have a (preserved) giant squid, sharks, manatee, dolphin, sea turtles. Pretty cool little place.
A few posts from our Sarasota trip. A nice place. We stayed at a place on Lido Key, where there are some nice shops and restaurants. We found a place that sells different flavored rice pudding that we liked. We also went to the beach a lot. It was very close to our hotel. Everyone had a good time. Still tired but can't sleep.
A few photos before I leave for the long weekend. For some reason, Nic Jr likes the dog toys. You can see Chewie keeps tabs on his toys and isn't all too happy.
He moved as I shot the photo but it's a cute photo of her new haircut. By the way, that's not the dog, it's a stuffed animal. Nicorette was making Nicotine Jr laugh. He's not wearing a shirt, since daycare didn't have any clean ones. The kid's a messy eater. I think he pulls off the farmer look with the overalls and no shirt. Maybe not.
Pretty short and most of the curls are gone. He didn't seem upset. He is wearing his "I still live with my parents" shirt. He has a small cut near his eye that is healing well from a tumble at school. Makes him look tough. I think he could kick my ass (if he wasn't 25 lbs)...
The kids were hot and we found these fountains that they could run through. I took a video that I'll have to upload since they were giggling and squealing while they got soaked. Nicorette had orientation for her Sea World adventure camp so we went over to the park for a little afterwards. One of the perks of having annual passes is a few hours is enough...
Clothes are unimportant to a Junior Vampire Slayer. It's the style, the equipment and the clean diaper...
Note: you can see at least one of my small fruit trees in the background. I believe it's the grapefruit tree. Still a lot of growing to be done. Also, normally he doesn't walk around sans clothes. However, we had pasta for dinner and he needed to take off his messy clothes. It was hot and nearly bedtime so we didn't dress him again...
She dropped the controller and still kicked someone's ass. The girl has a real future in virtual boxing. I finally beat her today (because she didn't throw a punch). I got a pity win, basically, from a 6 year old. At least, I'm untouchable in bowling.
Nicorette and her friend (with her parents). We were lucky enough to get 6 seats on the 3rd base line. Good view, not too close with the chaos on the field. They had to keep asking the people on the field to back up so the little kids wouldn't get trampled.
The following are from last night's concert that Nicorette, the wife and I went to: Disney Channel Games Concert at Wide World of Sports in Orlando. Appearing were Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Cheetah Girls, Jordan Pruitt, and most of the stars of the Disney Shows. I took a few photos of Nicorette and snagged a video from Youtube, since we weren't supposed to film it. The video is poor quality, but you can tell that it was loud and crowded. It also poured at times. Fortunately, we had seats and were not on the field. Pretty crazy with the thousands of people there. Disney was filming for a summer series and it was cool to watch.
I totally screwed up my hand while opening up some soup to feed the kids for dinner. I was gushing blood from two places so I wrapped it with gauze and surgical tape and kept on going. Didn't have a choice...looks pretty funny.