2007 Year in Review (found on Julia Allison's blog)
(credit to the Chicago Tribune’s longtime columnist Mary Schmich, published originally December 2005)
When you consciously review your year, you may notice how little you noticed it as it whizzed past. To review is to re-view. To rewind, pause, look again. And in looking again, to see more clearly.
You may be astonished by how much happened. And how much didn’t. By how much has changed. And how much hasn’t. You may laugh or sigh to notice that your life remains its usual jumble of contradictions.
In 2007, I gained ____a son
I lost __about 15 lbs____________________.
I stopped ___sleeping very much________________.
I started _____working out__________.
I was hugely satisfied by __my daughter's education____________.
And frustrated by ____6 months of a single income family____.
I am so embarrassed that I ____got crapped on by my son at a supermarket (with no diapers in sight)_____.
Once again, I ___was on the computer too much___.
Once again, I did not ___switch jobs__.
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is __better cholesterol and weight, higher blood pressure__.
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this
December is __I am ALWAYS tired_.
I loved spending time __with my kids and watching movies. Also watching the space launches from my backyard_.
Why did I spend even two minutes __regretting my move_?
I should have spent more time __reading (for me and for my kids)_.
I regret buying __a few stocks_.
I will never regret buying __my HDTV_ even though with that money I could have bought _a nice vacation_.
I __spend_ way too much.
I didn’t _cook_ enough. (though I did cook a lot)
_The news___ drove me crazy.
Was _(hell, I don't know)___ crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?
The most relaxing place I went was _EPCOT food & Wine festival_______________.
I feel so _______________________________________ when I write that down.
Why did I go to _(no answer)__?
The best thing I did for someone else was _help out a lot with the kids_.
The best thing I did for myself was __help out a lot with the kids__.
The best thing someone did for me was __family moved down to Orlando since I wanted to live here___.
The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is _write more.
Labels: 2007, year in review