Saturday, June 30, 2007

Another 5k in the Florida heat

Ran a 5k this morning for Colon/Rectal Cancer awareness. Hot, humid Florida in late June. What was I thinking? The good news was I ran about as fast as I did last race. My time was about 26 minutes (about 8:30/mile, I think). However, my calf injury from a couple weeks ago flared up about 1/2 mile in - so I was glad my time was still good (for me), but my calf is now being iced and I'll probably concentrate on weights this week (which is probably overdue and neglected work that I need to do). Pretty pleased with my overall progress from slug to semi-athlete. Starting to recognize faces, too, which is kind of cool. And it was for a good cause. So, if you know people who are over 50, please remind them to get scoped to check for polyps, etc. Early detection is half the battle...Oh, and they took photos so I'll post that in the next few days. See how stupid Nicotine looks while running...haha.

Update: The photo looked so bad, I couldn't bring myself to buy it. But I saw the official results: I finished 20th of 61, 4th of 6 in my age group, avg of 8:25/mile and total time of 26:04, though I think it was 26:00 since it took me 4 or 5 seconds to get to the start line. Overall, a good experience and - since my goal is always progress - it was a success. Thanks for all the support!

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Robot Chicken Star Wars

Just watch it...

Robot Chicken Star Wars

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Survey tagged (from Tara)

Finish The Sentence Survey meme

Maybe I should....: do more ab work

I love...: running, my kids, my house, my job (sometimes)

People would say that I'm...: monotone

I don't understand...: women. Just when I think I do, I am proven wrong.

When I wake up in the morning...: the long day starts, I remember when I used to occasionally sleep in...

I lost...: too many friends when I moved. My only regret...

Life is full of...: disappointment. The sooner you kids learn that!...Nah, just kidding. Life is full of moments that take your breath away...

My past is...: best not discussed. There was that man in Reno. Shot him just to watch him die...Well, he deserved it.

I get annoyed when...: people are treated unfairly. Also, when people don't have as much confidence as they should. You know who you are...

Parties are...: best when they're not at my house...

I wish...: usually for others to get things or for my family/friends' health

Dogs...: should not bark when the baby is sleeping

Cats...: are nice when they're someone else's

Tomorrow...: is a new start..."All these moments are tears in the rain." (Blade Runner)

I have low tolerance...: for bad driving

If I had a million dollars...: gotta get some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Does anyone get that? Bueller? BNL?

I'm totally terrified...: of being miserable for the rest of my life. Um, no...Speaking in public. No...Speaking in private. Not really. Another survey! That's it...haha...


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ran a 5k

Wow, I actually did well. My goal was to break 30 minutes (a little better than 10 minute miles) and I got under 26 minutes. I finished 2nd in my age group (and yes, there were more than 2 in my age group) and I didn't die at the end. I got a 2nd place medal and won a raffle prize of a 1 hr massage (given to the spouse). I am so motivated to improve from the time I got (about 8 1/2 minute miles) that I'll probably work out again this evening. And I think I lost more weight but that could be from stress. However, that's a different story...

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Thin Nicotine, preK Graduation, with kids

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Sunday, June 10, 2007


What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Personality

Your best quality is your personality! People like you because you are an all around good person. You have good manners and values. You also like to express your personal style and interests.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Take More Quizzes

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Weight Loss

I haven't blogged as much lately (right, what's new). I've been busy with work and working out. Early in May, I started exercising every day and eating less. I had a physical scheduled for June 4th and wanted to see if I could get rid of the blood pressure medicine I was put on this past year. Also, I haven't been in shape in about a decade and wanted to see if I could change that. Plus, I figured it was good for stress (and keeping up with the kids). So, short story long, I have lost about 15 lbs and dropped my BMI to about 23 (under 25 is good). I've improved my HDLs and lowered my bad cholesterol. I've also gone from being able to workout for like 10 minutes to about an hour. Steady improvement. So, now I've committed to running a few races (a 10K in the fall in Orlando and a half-marathon in Jacksonville in February. Hopefully, my knees will hold out. So far, so good, thanks to Celebrex. Now, to start incorporating weights to tone and try to get some decent abs. The belly is mostly gone, but still need improvement. Any ideas on crunches that work? I'll try to post a photo soon so you can see the difference. My face is thinner, which is usually a sign of some decent weight loss...

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lost as a sitcom

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Excellent Work.

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